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Progressive Party
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Mentioned in (237)
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Dunnahoo, Mary Alice Dunlap (1866-1957)
Abigail (Abba) Bass to Jane Addams, July 1912
What Theodore Roosevelt Says on the Eight-Hour Day, ca. August 1912
What Theodore Roosevelt Says About the Minimum Wage, ca. August 1912
Interview at the Progressive Party Convention, August 7, 1912
Speech at Progressive Rally, October 17, 1912 (excerpts)
Miss Addams, January 1913
Jane Addams to Charles McCarthy, January 14, 1913
Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, January 15, 1913
News Item from the Boston Globe, January 16, 1913
Joint Resolution, January 20, 1913
Amos Pinchot to Jane Addams, January 28, 1913
Theodore Roosevelt to Jane Addams, February 4, 1913
Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, February 5, 1913
Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, February 5, 1913
Jane Addams to Edith Abbott, February 7, 1913
Amos Pinchot to Jane Addams, February 17, 1913
Memorandum re the Progressive Service and the Negro, April 17, 1913
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, May 7, 1913
Theodore Roosevelt to Jane Addams, September 23, 1913
William A. D. Venerable, to Jane Addams, October 29 1913
Report and Resignation of Paxton Hibben, Bureau of Education, Progressive National Service, November 18, 1913
George W. Perkins to Jane Addams, December 15, 1913
Statements on Wilson Administration, December 16, 1913
Jane Addams Nonpartisan, December 16, 1913
Albert Jeremiah Beveridge to Jane Addams, December 17, 1913
Albert Jeremiah Beveridge to Jane Addams, December 18, 1913
Jane Addams to Albert Jeremiah Beveridge, December 26, 1913
Joseph Perkins Chamberlain to Jane Addams, January 10, 1914
Jane Addams to Raymond Robins, February 20, 1914
Raymond Robins to Jane Addams, March 9, 1914
Maude McIlvain Sanders to Jane Addams, March 30, 1914
Harold LeClair Ickes to Jane Addams, April 18, 1914
Raymond Robins to Jane Addams, November 11, 1914
Jane Addams to Raymond Robins, March 2, 1915
Jane Addams to Harold LeClair Ickes, January 5, 1916
Statement on Preparedness, January 13, 1916
Jane Addams to Harold LeClair Ickes, May 1, 1916
Jane Addams to Lola Maverick Lloyd, June 12, 1916
Statement by Jane Addams on Woodrow Wilson, ca. October 25, 1916
Arthur Piper Kellogg to Jane Addams, October 28, 1916
Jane Addams to Harold LeClair Ickes, December 28, 1916
Mary Hall Ingham to Jane Addams, January 31, 1924
Harold LeClair Ickes to Jane Addams, October 13, 1924
Declaration of Support for Support for Robert La Follette, ca. October 24, 1924 (excerpt)
Interview with the Newspaper Enterprise Association, November 1, 1924
Ethel Armes to Jane Addams, May 18, 1925
The World Court, January 14, 1926
The World Court, January 14, 1926
Refutation of charges against Jane Addams made by the Daughters of the American Revolution, March 31, 1927
Browse all documents that mention "Progressive Party"
Allen, P. C. (?-?)
Allinson, Thomas William (1861-1936)
Atchison, Rena A. Michaels (1855-1933)
Baker, Alfred Landon (1859-1927)
Beazell, Benjamin Fell (1868-1947)
Bird, Anna Julia Child (1855-1942)
Bliss, Cornelius Newton, Jr. (1875-1949)
Bulley, Harriet Mary Tanner (1864-1938)
Crissey, Forrest (1864-1943)
Cummins, Albert Baird (1850-1926)
Elder, Bertha F. Holley (1871-1939)
Elliott, Maud Howe (1854-1948)
Fairbank, Janet Ayer (1878-1951)
Flinn, William (1851-1924)
Gardner, Halbert Paine (1867-1952)
Garrison, Eleanor (1880-1974)
Gernon, James Lawrence (1866-1946)
Gilman, Mary Rebecca Foster (1859-1920)
Goodyear, Harriet (1860-1926)
Grant, Helen Bianca Janes (1851-1916)
Greene, Jenny M. (1856-1935)
Greene, Sarah Anna Foster (1865-1947)
Hale, Matthew (1882-1925)
Harper, Frank (1882-1971)
Harris, Benjamin Franklin Jr. (1868-1920)
Hart, Katherine Margaret Crouse (1885-?)
Heck, Max (1869-1938)
Henry, Emily Clara Welch (1871-1932)
Hotchkiss, William Horace (1864-1950)
Hulet, A. B. (?-?)
Jones, Helen Brown (1861-1936)
Lee, Edwin M. (1866?-1929)
Mann, Maude McIlvain Sanders (1877-?)
Mason, Arabelle W. Cowles (1863-1920)
McDowell, Mary Eliza (1854-1936)
McMaster, Marion A. (1850-?)
Moore, Ziba T. (1865-1914)
Morrisson, Mary Foulke (1879-1971)
Nichols, Grace Linsey (1875-1947)
Pressnell, Gertrude Impey (1868-1931)
Progressive Party, Peace Committee
Purvin, Jennie Cecelia Franklin (1873-1958)
Ransom, John F. (1852-1938)
Richardson, Friend William (1865-1943)
Runge, Clara Thiele (1860-1952)
Schneider, George John (1877-1939)
Stilwell, Mabel Van Wagenen Parker (1876-1963)
Sweet, Ada Celeste (1852-1928)
Washburne, Virginia Brooks (1886-1929)
Weedon, Louise Cowles (1871-1959)
Browse all members of "Progressive Party"
Recommendations of the National Committee, Progressive Party, [August 1912]
Theodore Roosevelt's Labor Record, ca. August 1912
Progressive Party Pamphlet, ca. August 5, 1912
Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, September 6, 1912
Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, ca. Oct. 1912
Jane Addams' Speech for the Progressive Party announcement, October 17, 1912
Plan of Work for Carrying Out the Pledges and Principles of the Progressive Party, November 26, 1912
Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, August 14, 1912
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