Maria B. McCabe Hall to Jane Addams, October 15, 1912


Cottage Hotel

Baring, Mo., Oct. 15th 1912

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 800 S Halsted St.
Chicago, Ill

Pardon a stranger addressing you but I Have read your articles in Magazines & I Know if you will you can Help me. I am a stranger to Chicago & Know of no one to Help me.

I Have an Aunt who Has & is missing for past 9 years & I [cannot] find her. Last heard from Her she was living with Mrs. Rose Martin, at 1814 Armory Ave, who Has long since left the City. State board of Health wrote me Her name (Miss Bessie McCannon or McConnell age about 60 years, Domestic by [Profession] was not on their [Mortuary] List, & if she is not dead it seems likely to me she must be in some place of confinement or she would communicate with some of her relatives. She is feeble minded or out of her mind at times in a slight degree, & she often spoke of being with (Salvation Army) I Hear or am told they sometimes Locate missing people, especially if they Had ever Known them & if I can get address of Salvation Army in Chicago, will write them & ask them and, will you please send me [page 2] address of Salvation Army? also tell me How I can get into communication with "The Chicago Protective League" for women. It is possible they could tell me if they ever met [anyone] in their search to do right who would answer her description.

Please send me these addresses, find stamp for same, & also any instruction you think would help me find her whereabouts. My dear mother has died & told me to find her & settle some business with her for Her (mother). It means so much to me to find her.

Have written all public & charity institutions for insane but [cannot] get her, do not Know names of private insane Asylums in & around Chicago.

Thanking you in advance for anything you may see fit to do for me & am

Sincerely Yours

Mrs. M. B. Hall
Knox Co

c/o Cottage Hotel