Jane Addams to Maria B. McCabe Hall, October 21, 1912


October 21, 1912.

My dear Mrs. Hall, --

Miss Addams has asked me to answer your letter regarding your aunt, Miss Bessie McConnell, and asked me to make any suggestions to you that I could. I should think it might be well for you to write to the Chicago Police headquarters because occasionally they know about how to trace cases of this sort. The address of the Salvation Army is 671 South State Street and it is possible they may be able to help you. I would suggest that you write also to the Superintendent of the Cook County Infirmary, Dunning, Illinois, and see if by any chance she may be there. I [wonder] if you have written to the State Hospital at Elgin, Kankakee, and Dunning, where those who are mentally afflicted at any time are sent from Chicago. Aside from these places I do not think I can make any suggestions of [page 2] by advertising in the newspapers. I think possibly an advertisement in a Chicago paper might be of help to you in case you do not find any other clue.

Very truly yours,

Mrs. M. B. Hall,