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National Conference of Charities and Correction
Also known as:
National Conference of Social Work
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Child Labor and Pauperism, May 9, 1903 (draft)
Child Labor and Pauperism, May 9, 1903
Summary of Discussion on Child Labor at the National Conference of Charities and Correction, May 11, 1903
Jane Addams to William Byron Forbush, October 25, 1903
Jane Addams to Lucretia Treat, October 25, 1903
Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, May 1, 1904
Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, June 22, 1904
Neighborhood Improvement, June 22, 1904
Address on Neighborhood Improvement, June 25, 1904 (Extract)
Statement on a Conference Held at Hull-House, June 9, 1906
Jane Addams to Oscar S. Straus, November 12, 1908
Gino C. Speranza to Jane Addams, November 15, 1908
H. A. Stevens to Jane Addams, November 23, 1908
Oscar S. Straus to Jane Addams, December 5, 1908
Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 18, 1909
Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 31, 1909
Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, June 17, 1909
Immigrants, June 26, 1909
Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, December 13, 1909
Walter Rauschenbusch to Jane Addams, February 24, 1910
Jane Addams to Robert Archey Woods, March 8, 1910
Jane Addams, Mary Eliza McDowell, Graham Taylor to South End Residents, April 2, 1910
St Louis Speech, May 23, 1910
Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, May 11, 1910
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 16, 1910
Jane Addams to J. R. Elston, May 19, 1910
Charity and Social Justice, May 19, 1910
Charity and Social Justice, May 19, 1910
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 19, 1910
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 27, 1910
Charity and Social Justice, June 11, 1910
Arthur Piper Kellogg to Charles Read Nutter, June 24, 1910
James Edward West to Jane Addams, July 5, 1910
Jane Addams to Joseph Krauskopf, April 4, 1911
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, June 6, 1911
Standards of Education in Industrial Life, June 8, 1911
The Call of the Social Field, June 12, 1911
Speech on Woman Suffrage, June 17, 1911
Max Senior to Jane Addams, January 4, 1912
Helen Louise Hatch to Jane Addams, January 27, 1912
Gino C. Speranza to Jane Addams, June 17, 1912
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Robert Weeks DeForest, July 3, 1912
The Progressive Party and Social Legislation, September 18, 1912
Woman and the Ballot: The Progressive View, October 6, 1912
My Experiences as a Progressive Delegate, November 1912
Introduction to Religion in Social Action, 1913
Why Women Are Concerned with the Larger Citizenship: Philanthropy and Politics, 1913
Preface to
Religion in Social Action
, September 1913
Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, May 23, 1914
Mary Willcox Glenn to Jane Addams, January 2, 1915
Browse all documents that mention "National Conference of Charities and Correction"
Addams, George Stanton (1869-1933)
Bingham, Robert Worth (1871-1937)
Blaustein, David (1866-1912)
Bookman, Clarence Monroe (1882-1963)
Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson (1860-1949)
Brooks, Joseph W. (?-?)
Bryce, Peter Henderson (1853-1932)
Butler, Amos William
DeForest, Robert Weeks (1848-1931)
Fleisher, Alexander (1889-1949)
Gates, Wakene Almont (1854-1918)
Gordon, Jean Margaret (1865-1931)
Holliday, John Hampden (1846-1921)
Lapp, John A. (1881-1960)
Lermond, Miss (?-?)
Lindeman, Eduard C. (1885-1953)
Lovejoy, Owen Reed (1866-1961)
Mack, Julian William (1866-1943)
McCann, Daniel (?-?)
McLaurin, Delta Epsilom (1874-1935)
McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford (1888-1944)
McVey, Frank LeRond (1869-1953)
Moore, Sarah Wool (1846-1911)
Norton, William J. (1883-1975)
Peixotto, Jessica Blanche (1864-1941)
Perkins, Frances (1880-1965)
Persons, William Frank (1876-1955)
Potter, Roderick (1879-1959)
Reilly, James (?-?)
Rosenberg, Pauline Hanauer (1865-1940)
Ryan, John Augustine (1869-1945)
Shillady, John Rohde (1875-1943)
Smith, Barry (1878?-1952)
Spurr, Benjamin Moore (1857-1937)
Steiner, Edward Alfred (1866-1956)
Strong, Thomas Nelson (1853-1927)
Thompson, Captain A. (?-?)
Vaile, Gertrude (1878-1954)
Watchorn, Robert (1858-1944)
National Conference of Charities and Corrections, The National Bulletin, November 12, 1908 (excerpts)
Fitts, Ada May (1867-1962)
James Frederick Jackson to the National Conference of Social Work Executive Committee, October 26, 1925
Address to the National Conference of Charities and Correction, May 9, 1903 (excerpt)
Neighborhood Improvement, June 22, 1904
The National Bulletin
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