Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, October 23, 1923


Oct 23/23

My very dear "J. A."

The [abuke?] beads came and they are most beautiful and interesting. It is curious that though I do not usually much desire such things I have had quite a hankering for amber beads of late, perhaps because I resisted [page 2] temptation in that shape so many times in Egypt perhaps ↑because↓ I felt that some were coming to me from you.

They will be very dear to me because they do come from you and though in one way I am sorry you troubled over a present for me I cannot say I am not awfully pleased to have them.

Hoping to see you soon

I am affly yours

Emily G. B.

[written down left margin] I like them so much better than any amber I know especially the pale kind.

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