Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, October 22, 1923



Dear Miss Addams.

Your package arrived safely last evening, & the pendant is charming. I love those carved ivory ones & I have been [tried?] at myself that I did not indulge my fancy & get me one in Austria. Now I am glad for this is so much more lovely and exquisitely carved and embodies the love of my dear friend Jane Addams, making it a truly precious gift. My sincere thanks for it and for thinking of me. I am counting very much on my visit with you in a [page 2] short time and I hope I shall find you well & taking real care of yourself. That is one of the hardest things we can be asked to do.

How do you feel about asking Mr. Vanderlip to hire a ship to bring over European delegates to W.I.L. Conference here next spring? Have you written or seen him yet in regard to it? What naive faith those women have in you & your ability to accomplish things! But in real earnest do you not think we must decide definitely we could not arrange to have it here? It would take an immense [page 3] sum of money to accomplish such a thing and first I do not see how it could be raised, (even if you set out to try), & second I am sure money could be used to better advantage if it were raised. The Exec. Com. agreed to this unanimously, but felt you should be consulted of course. I suppose at the Board Meeting it will be [illegible] too. It is pathetic the feeling America is a mint easily drawn on if only the right wires are pulled. We were entertained at your asking Mr. Vanderlip for a ship's hire, why [page 4] not try Mr. Ford!

Farewell for now & it will be good to have real talks once more -- Your loving friend

Lucy Biddle Lewis.

P.S. May I go direct to you at Hull House from Decatur? I am not sure if there will be any plan for me to speak during those two days any where, but I should like a [illegible] be in touch with Chicago Friends while there, & that Sunday may be the best chance.