Jane Addams to Edward Clark Marsh, February 25, 1909


Feb. 25, 1909.

My dear Mr. Marsh: --

I do not think I am quite ready to sign a contract. If it means advertising the book in advance, the title must be determined upon. The one you suggest, I agree with you, is the best of the three proposed, but the term "Juvenile Delinquency" sounds a little more "sociological" than I meant this book to be. "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets" has occurred to me, or some title which would be distinctly literary. "Juvenile Delinquency" implies facts and figures and investigations into Juvenile Court records, etc. for which I am not prepared, although of course many of the illustrations are taken from the Chicago Juvenile Court cases.

The terms you suggest are not as advantageous as those your company gave me [page 2] for "Newer Ideals of Peace". I have just looked over your account rendered April 30th, 1908, and find that I received 16 1/4 per cent upon 1112 copies of "Newer Ideals of Peace," and 16 1/4 percent upon 497 of "Democracy and Social Ethics." I am not able at this moment to lay my hand upon the original agreement, but I remember being paid an out and out sum when the manuscript was delivered. I think the sum was $100.00.

The two books appeared in Prof. Ely's Citizens Library Series, and the financial arrangements were made, I remember, by him. As "Newer Ideals of Peace" has sold more successfully than "Democracy and Social Ethics," I venture to assume that a third book ought not be less advantageous in its terms.

Sincerely yours,