Edward Clark Marsh to Jane Addams, March 2, 1909

NEW YORK March 2, 1909.

My dear Miss Addams:-

I have your letter of the 25th ultimo. The signing of a contract at this time does not necessarily mean that we should announce the book at once. That shall be as you choose. I am glad that you mentioned the terms, since I evidently failed to make the situation quite clear in my previous letter. The maximum royalty we have paid you on the two earlier books is 13%, or 16 1/4 on each copy sold at $1.25. Our present offer is 13% on the first 1500 copies sold, and 15% on all copies sold thereafter. So you see our intention was to make you a better offer than we had for your earlier book. We would be very glad also to pay you an advance of One Hundred Dollars on publication if you so desire.

With this explanation, I hope the proposal contained in my earlier letter may be satisfactory, and so I venture to send you an agreement made out in accordance with these terms. If you will kindly sign and return it, we shall withhold announcement of the book until you are ready to have it appear. You will notice also that the agreements allows for the change of the title should a different one seem advisable.

I am,

Very Sincerely yours,
Edward C. Marsh [signed]
Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

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