Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle, March 12, 1918


March 12th, 1918

My dear Mrs. Van Winkle:

May I make one more report to you since the trip in reference to which I wish to report was planned with your cooperation.

Miss Addams was obliged to return from New Orleans without delivering her address, as she received word of the death of her brother immediately after her arrival. She made arrangements to go to New Orleans and El Paso on her return from California in April instead of speaking at that time. This arrangement seemed satisfactory to those who had the meeting in charge and Miss Addams wished me to send you a statement in reference to the change and to tell you that she would take up later the question of refunding the amount of her ticket which was charged to the Food Administration. It will probably be simplest for her to pay her ticket from New Orleans to Chicago, which will be an exact equivalent of the amount charged to the Department, namely the ticket from Chicago to New Orleans, if this arrangement will be satisfactory.

Very sincerely yours,

Eleanor Daggett Karsten [signed]
Secretary to Jane Addams

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