Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Arthur Eugene Bestor, March 12, 1918


Ans Mar 16

March 12th, 1918

My dear Mr. Bestor:

As I understand that all engagements are in the future to be made through your Committee, I am writing to tell you of some changes which have been made in Miss Addams' plans.

Just as Miss Addams reached New Orleans on the seventh, she was called back to Illinois by telegram because of the death of her brother. She arranged with the Food Administration representative in New Orleans to return from California by way of New Orleans in April and fill the two engagements that had been made for her, at that time. This arrangement seemed to be quite satisfactory to those who had the programs in charge.

Miss Addams is therefore planning to return by the Southern route and she will probably go to Salt Lake City either immediately after her last talk in Oakland on the twenty-ninth or possibly she will return to Southern California for a week and then make a special trip to the Bonneville Club at Salt Lake City. I believe she will arrange this so as best to meet the wishes of this club. Miss Addams' other dates in the West, that is the dates in California, remain unchanged.

Very sincerely yours,

Eleanor Daggett Karsten [signed]
Secretary to Jane Addams
Arthur E. Bestor, Esq.,
Committee on Public Information,
Washington, D.C.