Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, May 1916




Dear Miss Addams

I trust we are going to hear good news of you when next a letter comes through.

The letter I sent the other day I fear was filled with too many passing details of passing difficulties. Things are better than that sounded and have improved since I wrote.

Mr. de Jong de van Beek en Donk is now here as an alternate [page 2] & we are organized in our permanent (?) form, that is the [provisional] committee stage has passed out the stage of regular session of the [earliest?] Committee of 12.

But what I wanted write about is our nice meeting of 17 members from 7 countries of our womens committee last Saturday & Sunday. Such a well spent, so far-ahead, so wholly friendly and naturally trustful, no red tape & no desire either to “crowd the mourners.”

I trust you will be receiving the full account from Miss Daugaard and that meanwhile [page 3] our cable may happen to be one of those to get through.

We were unanimous on every vote.

But I am beginning tail end first -- due to [illegible] to catch a boat mail about to close.

The meeting was wholly informal with no status except for the moral weight of so many all duly accredited members of their national fives. Rosa refused to go having resigned national as well as international office. Miss Pogány was there, also Anne Furuhjelm, two Swiss members and I besides full rep rep'ves of all 3 Scand. groups.

They -- we -- all wanted the day to begin to go and [illegible] it did seem best under all the circumstances to ask Dr. Jacobs to call the deferred meeting at Copenhagen the last week of June. We fear that members of various other national sections also preferred this location. Holland seems to be [now?] really very difficult to get to & from.

Our cable informed you of this and closed by saying we desired but did not urge your presence, that is we don't want you to risk [page 4] anything not to force yourself but you may suppose we should love to have you here.

Mr. Holt hears Mr. Ford is planning to come over with a party and is trying to get you.

Who [knows]?

We also at our meeting planned out various points for the discussion when we do meet, as to the congress after the war [etc.] [page 5]

By the way Christian Lange tells me he believes that the official peace congress when the war ends will require any city where it meets to refuse to allow any other meetings. In that case we must sit in the nearest place available.

As to our own headquarters -- these 17 people were unanimous for Copenhagen. I think geographically it is good and that it is a great advantage to have 3 national groups within touch. The international people at headquarters seem to be now only Dr. Jacobs & Rosa Manus [page 6] and you know what that means.

At any rate it is nice to see so much vigor and interest.

You will probably see in the papers that the 3 Scand. groups are sending a telegram to President Wilson in support of the Dutch appeal.

Things do move I suppose but here we are a whole year later and have little moves ground and [have] much lost.

I long to hear more fully [page 7] how “preparedness” is faring and some Presidential [illegible] candidates will be being chosen.

I have just written Grace Abbott about Alice Masaryk perhaps you & she will share news.

Mrs. Post and Miss Evans too might like to see this letter if it is not too illegible.

Your very affectionate

Emily G. Balch.