Miss Jane [Addams],
Care Hull House,
Chicago, Ills.
My Dear Miss [Addams]:--
The charity commission of the City and County of Denver, consisting of Dr. C. B. James, Hon. Daniel Webb and Mr. O. S. Storrs, will visit Chicago within the next week or ten days. Mr. O. S. Storrs is the chief probation officer of this court, and Dr. James has been particularly active in helping the work of the court. Mr. Webb is also a good friend of ours. They have expressed to me a great desire to meet you, and I gladly write you this letter about their coming and have given them a letter of introduction. I know that you must be greatly pestered with visits from a great many people who mean well, but who no doubt take up much of your valuable time, and I would not thus impose upon you were it not for the fact that these gentlemen go to Chicago in an official capacity, and also to some other cities, and the impression made upon them will no doubt have a powerful influence in helping many good works contemplated and underway in this city.
I had a hard fight with the politicians here, as the bosses of both parties fought me bitterly in both conventions. Much to my own surprise, the power of my friends seems to have been too much for them, with the result that I was elected by 61,000 majority against an independent candidate put up at the last minute, who practically was not a candidate at all, as he was unable to get upon any of the regular party tickets.
I expect to have an article in the January number of "Charities" devoted to the juvenile court, which if you have the time and patience I should be very glad to have you read.
I hope to be in Chicago in January, and if I am I shall certainly come to the Hull House.
Mr. Riis spent several days with us recently and has now gone on to California.
My kindest regards to Miss Lathrop and Mrs. Flowers should you see her.
With best wishes, I am