Jane Addams to John H. Lathrop, July 31, 1901

University of Chicago

My dear Mr. Lathrop-

I am terribly sorry about the complication of which I have already telephoned to All Soul's Church. I speak in (--) this next Sunday evening according to an agreement made months ago.

I remember telling the young lady who telephoned me in regard to my appointment at All Soul's Church, that I disliked a telephone engagement and begging her to write me.

I feel of course, in a large  degree responsible but less so than if I had been written to earlier. I can come any other Sunday in Aug. or one of the first two Sundays in Sept. but must know the week before it is announced in Church.

If you have difficulty in finding a [page 2] substitute, please let me know, perhaps I can help you out.

Sincerely yours

Jane Addams

July 31, 1901.

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