Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, June 1, 1915


June 1, 1915

Mrs. Emmons Blaine
101 E. Erie St.

My dear Mrs. Blaine: --

If you are contemplating a vacation this summer, will you not spare a thought for the thousands of boys and girls who cannot get away from the hot and dusty streets and overcrowded tenements.

Hull-House owns seventy-two acres at Waukegan, Illinois, on which are playgrounds, swimming pool, woods, ravines and running streams. Five large buildings shelter a hundred and ten children who are sent out to this country place for two weeks at a time.

The place itself is endowed but we are dependent upon contributions for the food and care of the children. It costs five dollars to keep a child there for two weeks. Will you not do your share toward making the lives of our city children healthier and happier during the hot summer weather.

Checks may be made payable to me or to the Hull-House Association.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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