Madame Schwimmer's Mail and Telegraphic Addresses, January 28, 1915


Madame Schwimmer's Mail and Telegraphic Addresses: --

Until January 31st -- Care Rev. Harold Marshall,
42 Lake Avenue,
Melrose, Mass.
[Until] February 2nd -- Care Mrs. Frederick D. Losey,
University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
[Until] February 3rd -- Care Mrs. Joseph E. Friend,
1807 Palmer Avenue,
New Orleans, La.
[Until] February 7th -- Care Mrs. B. Morrison-Fuller,
Buckingham Hotel,
St. Louis, Mo.
[Until] February 12th -- Care Hotel McAlpin,
New York City.

February 13th -- February 18th -- addresses [will] be given later.

Until February 19th -- Care Miss Ruth E. Linderman,
Woman's Club,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Until February 22nd -- Care Mrs. J. F. Binnie,
619 E. 46th Street,
Kansas City, Mo.
[Until] February 23rd -- Care Mr. Arthur L. Weatherly,
Nebraska Peace Society,
Lincoln, Nebr.
[Until] February 26th -- Care Professor Mary Stewart,
University of Montana,
Missoula, Mont.