Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, February 9, 1905


February 9, 1905.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 335 South [Halsted] Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:--  We shall of course be glad to accomodate our date to your convenience, and will consequently arrange for the lecture to come on Wednesday March twenty-second, instead of Thursday, March 23rd. I am only sorry that that will deprive me personally of the pleasure of hearing you, on account of a previous engagement in Missouri. But the students will be equally glad to welcome you, and Mrs King will hope to have you as guest just the same. I will ask the Vice-Chairman of the Faculty to preside at the lecture. I am really very sorry indeed to have to miss the pleasure of seeing you myself.

The following train schedule I think you would find most convenient, for while it is not quite so direct as one or two other routes, it involves less changing and less discomfort:

Leave Oberlin, L. S. & M. S. R'y, 4:41 p.m., March 22.
Ar. Buffalo, [L. S. & M. S. R'y] 10:10[p.m.] [March 22].

Leave Buffalo, Pennsyvania Rd. 8:45 a.m., March 25.
Ar. Titusville, [Pennsylvania Rd.] 12:38 [p.m. March 25.]

Sincerely yours,

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