Mary H. Porter to Jane Addams, February 1, 1911

Peking Feby 1st

My dear Miss Addams

Even an over-busy woman may find time to let a friend say "Thank you, your book has done me good" and that is about all I want to Impress upon it for today.

Since the weeks at No 4: Washington Square when you told me of your thoughts for Hull House I have followed its work there in its many manifestations with unfailing interest. Your books have shown how wide a circle of interests your life has touched and what power has been given you to influence all sorts and conditions of men:-- Mrs Julia F. Porter sent me your "Twenty Years at Hull House" for Christmas and I have so enjoyed it that I want to say "I too thank you"--

I'm sending by the same post with this a little volume (pamphlet) which it will not take you long to read, as the black pages with white [page 2] characters will be unintelligible. The two pages in English tell the story of one of our friends here. She is one of the noble women thoroughly enlisted in effort to aid her own people. We are coming in contact with not a few such and learning to love and respect them more and more.

Her black pages are facsimiles of the inscriptions on the tablets surrounding the grave of of Miss Chin, executed as a revolutionist in 1908.

Mrs Lien is now in Peking, living in retirement, her husband engaged in literary work.

When you come to the Orient you will visit us and we shall so enjoy introducing you to some Chinese Ladies who can appreciate and sympathize with such efforts for others as have made your name known around the world. 

Please remember me to Miss Starr and believe me your sincere missionary friend

Mary H. Porter.

[page 3] P.S. Miss Miner an Oberlin graduate is at the head of our College. The article signed by her was written in Chinese -- translated and published in Shanghai. As she had no opportunity & look it over the facts she vouches for but the English she had noting to do with. [image] [page 4]

The modest beginning of organized Social Settlement work in Peking is in this building, where Miss M. M. Russell gathers the women interested in various reforms for consultation and to give them this aid of her wider experiences. Such women (none of them Christians in name) have asked the use of our church and chapel for some of their gathering because "Every one knows that this is no selfish end in mind in your work, so those willl come who would not go to any one of our places" -- Surely this is a tribute to "The Ladies Way" as our church is called --