My dear Miss Woods:
[Enclosed] please find check for $2000 which must of course be kept absolutely for the return tickets and another check for $500 which I should very much like to have advanced to the Washington Hotel so that we will have some sort of standing there without any danger of being put out of the Hall, etc. if something untoward occurs. That takes all of my money excepting $200 which I am saving for Bertrand Russell's fee.
My Baltimore address is c/o Mrs. Edwin Niver, 1014 St. Paul Street. I telegraphed you that I could not meet you at ten o'clock Wednesday morning because I am going to take a day train up so I will not get so tired before the Congress begins. I should have to meet you later in the day and as we would probably take a morning train in, I suggested half past two. We are leaving Baltimore Wednesday morning and I think it would be safe to make the appointment at half past two. I rather dread getting into the commotion of the New York office. I have never been to the New York office, is it at 299 Madison Avenue?
I think the matter of the dues must come up to the International Board. Hoping to see you with Madam Ramondt in New York, I am
Hastily yours,
Jane Addams [signed] [page 2]
↑P.S. (over)↓
P.S. I am sending in another envelope the O, K'd bill of Lady Courtney. I too had forgotten about it but I hope we can keep it in a separate account and get the money back ↑[from]↓ that was ↑special fund.↓
We have in the Savings Bank $4000, belonging to the International League. It could be advanced if one was sure of its being returned. Otherwise it is not fair to the International funds but if I can see Miss Balch and Madam Ramondt about it in New York, perhaps they will consent to having it advanced.