Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Clara Ragaz-Nadig, August 16, 1926


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Geneva, August 16, 1926

Mrs. Clara Ragas
Parpan (Grisons)

Dear Mrs. Ragaz,

Miss Addams asked me to send you heartfelt thanks for your kind letter. You may not know that Miss Addams was very ill in England and is now forbidden to work and travel. She arrived in Geneva yesterday. She really wanted to do it, but was very tired. A cardiologist told her not to give more than one lecture per day/per week/. So it is unfortunately quite impossible for her either fulfil your wish for a lecture in Zurich or to participate in a delegation to the  [page 2] government

She is terribly sorry and it is taking a lot out of her to give in, but her friend Miss Smith has been very stern with her. Miss Addams will write to you herself, too.

Sincerely yours
Representing Madeleine Doty

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