Speech to the Toronto Branch of the WILPF, June 26, 1924 (excerpts)



Says European Peace Delegates Were Disillusioned in America

Toronto, June 27. -- "I believe the war is over, more in Europe than it is here," said Miss Jane Addams, in addressing the Toronto branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom at a dinner held in the King Edward last night.

"We sort of lag behind in the public sentiment of the world in regard to war. We sort of lag behind as to what constitutes patriotism. The most patriotic people in Europe and Japan -- there are patriotic people everywhere of this type -- are the people who are saying that too much money is being spent in preparation for war, that too much friction is developed simply because large armies and large navies are being built, that is a part of patriotism to play [safely?] on the war spirit and to do everything possible to substitute other methods for the development of better international relations."

Miss Addams, who had an enthusiastic reception, gave an interesting historical sketch of the movement of which she is president and threw some sidelights on the Pax special.

"I think the women from Europe were surprised. They didn't realize what the situation was over here. [page 2] What surprised them the most is this: In all European countries the best representation we get is from returned soldiers. They were surprised to find opposition from the soldiers of the United States."

Miss Addams said that the delegates from Europe received a fine hearing in Toronto, but they returned home a little disillusioned in regard to Canada and the United States.

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