Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, November 2, 1911


November 2, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

It gives me especial pleasure to introduce my friend, Miss Ida Moore, of this city, who comes to Chicago for a few months and is doing some studying and investigating of conditions there. Miss Moore is a sister of Miss Dora Moore, Principal of the Corona School in Denver, The Corona School is one of the largest and most important schools in this city, and Miss Moore is one of our best and most experienced Principals.

Both Miss Dora Moore and Miss Ida Moore, the bearer of this note, are very dear friends of mine. I am very anxious that Miss Moore should meet you and know more about the great work you are doing, and I assure you that any courtesies you can show her will be greatly appreciated by me.

Sincerely yours,

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