Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, June 12, 1902


June 12" 1902

My dear Mrs Blaine

I thank you so much for your kind letter from Elmhurst and wish with all my heart that I might see you there. The rest of this month is full of delayed affairs which ought to have been cared for long ago and the first of July, I take our Summer School to Chautauqua. Perhaps later in the summer you will let me come.

We are so happy over the outcome of the School of [page 2] Education. With the personality of two such fine men built into it — and of two men who in a very real way supplement each other — it ought to be one of the first contributions to education ever made.

Will you tell me some time what you think of the chapter of my book on Educational Methods, if indeed you have had time to read it. I am very grateful for your sympathy and friendship as you must know. Always faithfully yours

Jane Addams

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