Mary Rozet Smith to Lucy Monroe Calhoun, August 30, 1924


My dear Lucy

May I introduce my friend Mrs. Kohn who is starting with two friends, Mrs. Bettman and Mrs. Goodkind, on a voyage around the world.

Mrs. Kohn has lived at Hull-House for many years and is not only a great friend [page 2] of Jane's and mine but a great hope to endless "causes" in Chicago. Child Welfare, Public Health, Education and the rest. She will find all sorts of interests in Peking and I hope she may see your lovely house, as that seems to us one of the choicest sights in the city.

I have written you directly so I won't repeat the [illegible] annals. [page 3] But I must [seize] any opportunity to send you our love and the assurance of our undying gratitude.

Affectionately yours

Mary Rozet Smith

August 30.