Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, May 11, 1910


May 11, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
C/o Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

We are right in the midst of a strenuous campaign here, preceding a city election next week when we are to pass upon the initiative, the referendum and the recall and an important water franchise that the Beast is trying to get from the people of Denver. It is absolutely imperative that I be here during this fight. I regret that it is going to prevent me attending the conference. Mrs. Gregory, the Clerk of our Court, and Mrs. Wright, the Supt. of our Detention School, will represent us. I am trying to keep my absences from Denver within the usual period taken by the Judges for their vacations, and while this permits me to get away in April and February, it will keep me at home in June and July. I do not know when I shall be through Chicago again. I spoke at the Chicago Sunday Evening Club on my way through recently, but got in in the afternoon and left right after the meeting, so I had no time to see any of my friends.

I sent in a personal request that my name no longer appear as Associate Editor of the publication referred to in our last talk. I have not realized the embarrassment that I was unconsciously giving some of my friends, and then there were also other reasons why it was not at all the proper thing.

The Beast is making me all the annoyance and trouble it can, especially in the circulation of some very silly little lies through some of their subsidized paper. Out of thousands of incidents in the Beast and hundreds of people discussed, they seem to have discovered only two that they have habitually repeated, which Mr. O'Higgins took occasion to deny, copy of which I enclose, because they seem to have discovered a slight technical error, but the main truth of the Beast itself I do not think any of them have even yet attempted to deny, unless it be the Rev. Henry Augustus Buchtel, whose general denial caused a laugh throughout the State.

With kindest regards and best wishes to yourself and Miss Lathrop, I am,

Sincerely yours,