Edward C. Wentworth to Jane Addams, December 19, 1910

Whiteside & Wentworth,
Hartford Bldg., 140 Dearborn St., Chicago

Chicago. Dec. 19, 1910

Miss Jane Addams,
816 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:--

I suppose, in common with a few others, I am reading your new book with tremendous interest because it seems to be a part of all of us.

I was curious to know why you spelled Judge Altgeld's name differently from the usual way. That, however, is secondary to the desire to have you send me your autograph to place in the book, as it is the first one I have read which brings me the feeling that I have a personal interest in the writer.

Yours truly,

Edw. C. Wentworth [signed]

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