Who's Who -- Fourth Biennial International Congress, April 5, 1924





Frau Lotte Heller is a Viennese, who -- when still very young -- concentrated her thoughts on literature and gave lectures to working women.

She married and went to Brunn, an Austrian provincial town. Her interests became centered in the Women's Movement. Her lectures stirred the middle class provincial minds to a more independent thought. She combined with her lecturing some journalistic work.

She was the first member of the "Suffrage Committee" to realize the importance of women to put an end to war and propagated the meeting of women at The Hague in 1915.

The Austrian revolution had the happy effect of granting to women the possibility of having meetings of their own, and at the first great meeting of women, Lotte Heller spoke to over three thousand people.

Leader of Press Bureau of W.I.L., only delegate of the Austrian Section to the Hague in 1922. As a member of the Executive Committee she is continually furthering the cause of women's ideals towards peace and freedom.


Founder of the new Women's Clubs in Vienna. Founder of the first Austrian School of Agriculture for women. Since 1914, pacifist worker for the International Peace.



Supplementary member of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies, Federal Secretary of the Women's Socialist Party, and at present actively engaged in organizing relief for Germany.

Mlle. Dejardin was made a Chevalier of the Order of Leopold II in recognition of her war services.

During the war, because of her activities, she was taken prisoner and sentenced to death with six civilians charged with espionage. With them she was marched out to be shot early one morning and saw them drop before her, one by one. It was only at the last moment that she learned that her sentence had been commuted to an indefinite sentence in military prison. After three years of terrible hardships, she was freed and immediately organized a society consisting of former soldiers and of women sufferers from the war, with the object of relieving the children of the Central Empires.



Renowned national and international woman. Journalist and a woman of letters of the new spirit. From an early age she has been a fighter for the emancipation of woman, and is now a member of the Women's International League. She is often called "the Apostle of the New Society." [page 2]



Secretary of the Czecho-Slovakian Section of the Women's International League. Descended from the ancient Dutch nobility of her mother's side, and her father was Privy Counselor of the Austrian Emperor.

While at the Horticultural School for women in Vienna, she met Yella Hertzka who interested her in the Women's International League.

In 1922, she worked with Frau A. M. Wiechowski and other like-minded women to found a Section of the W.I.L. which has now more than three hundred members.



Member of International Board of the W.I.L. Identified with woman movement in Denmark and great worker for peace.



Founder and President of the French Section of the W.I.L. For many years worker against the sweat shop system and for equal salaries for working women.

In 1918, with co-workers, founded French Committee for aid for poor children. With Andree Jouve she started the movement "Cahiers de la Paix" for a New International Order.


Secretary French Section of the W.I.L. Teacher in State College for young girls. In Switzerland in 1915, with her husband, P. J. Jouve, one of the group of faithful friends of Romain Rolland, made protest against war.

She made a special study of the principles of the new education in relation to pacifism and internationalism. Took part in the preliminary conference at Berne and at the [Zurich] Congress of the W.I.L. as a delegate from the French Section.


Writer, Journalist, Lecturer.

As a young woman making a lecture tour, she saw the misery of the people and then devoted herself to bettering conditions for the working women.

Journalist -- "La Bataille Syndicate" -- a popular daily paper. Published reports on working women. Lived among them and as one of them.

When the war came, she joined the group of young intellectuals with Romain Rolland.

Published articles in the papers showing the cruel absurdity of violence. In 1918, with Pierre Brizon, founded a paper, "La Vogue," which has been fighting for five years, war and violence.

In 1922, French delegate to The Hague Conference, and on her return to France, founded the French Section of the W.I.L. [page 3]



Most prominent pioneer for political rights of German women. She was a teacher, an actress, cultivated a big farm of her own, and at last became a lawyer -- the first woman lawyer in Germany.

An eager pacifist. The Revolution gave her an active part in politics. Stood as a candidate for the National Assembly without belonging to any political party, but simply because of her great popularity among Bavarian peasants and workers.

Editor, "Woman in the State," the only pacifist magazine in Germany.


Secretary and organizer of the German Section of the W.I.L. During the revolution in Bavaria, she held the first position as woman Under-State Secretary in the Ministry of Social Welfare. Since the Armistice, she is devoting all her time to political and international work, especially interested in forming a link between women and young people of all countries.


Vice President of the W.I.L. Peace worker, writer, speaker, and organizer. She is the motor power of the radical political women's movement in Germany since its existence. Enthusiastic and persistent advocate for Women’s Suffrage.

She foresaw all the cruelty and consequences of the war; stood through all the experiences of being expelled, watched and censured. Hers was the idea of voluntary Reconstruction of German Women and Youth in the devastated areas of North France.


Member Executive Committee of the W.I.L. Worker for protection of unmarried mothers and illegitimate children.



Secretary of the British Section of the Women's International League. Gymnastic teacher and lecturer in hygiene, anatomy and psychology. Militant suffragist, 1909-1919. Organizer for W.S.P.U. Imprisoned nine times in England, Scotland and Ireland. Organizer Land Nationalization Society 1919. Member of Executive Committee of Fabian Women's Group.


Member Executive Committee British Section, W.I.L. Great worker for suffrage.


Member Executive Committee British Section, W.I.L. Life member Leeds Trades Council, Parish Councilor, delegate to several International Trade Union Conferences in Europe. [page 4]



Member of the Executive Committee, British Section, Women's International League. Newnham College, Cambridge. Social and philanthropic work in Bermondsey and Westminster. Joined Labor Party in 1917. Member Executive Committee, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Worked for relief of famine on Committee of Fight and Famine Council.


Member of the Executive Committee, British Section, Women's International League. L.M.H. Oxford. [Honors] -- Modern Languages. Social work in Lambeth and Dublin. Secretary to Manchester Suffrage Society. Attended Hague Congress in 1915. Member of Council for Family Endowment. Worked with Friends Relief Mission in Vienna after the war. In 1922 went to Greece to report on conditions of Greek Refugees from Asia Minor.


Member of the Executive Committee, British Section, Women's International League. Medical degree -- M.B., B.S., London. Tuberculosis Medical Officer at Portsmouth before the War. In 1914, organized Friends Relief Mission to the civilian and refugee population in the devastated districts of the Marne and Meuse in France. Chairman of the Near and Far East Committee of the Friends' Council for International Service, and Honorable Secretary of the British Appeal for Relief in Germany.


Organizer and active worker, European Reconstruction.


Degrees of M.D. (London) and D.Ph. (Cantab.) Took leading part in Women's Suffrage movement. One of the original members of the Women's International League. One of the delegates who was refused passport to The Hague in 1915. Attended Congresses in Zurich in 1919 and Vienna in 1921.



First woman doctor in the Netherlands. Studied at the University of Groningen after having obtained the right to study medicine at the State Universities of the Netherlands from the Thorbecke-Cabinet.

1879 - began practice as physician for women and children.
1882 - opened clinic for poor women to advise them in matters of birth-control. First clinic for that purpose in the world.
1883 - petitioned Government to be enlisted as a voter and was refused.

Began afterwards to arouse the people for Women's Suffrage question, and is president of the National Society for Women's Suffrage. In 1911, she gave up medical practice and went with Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt for a trip around the world to study the position of women in different countries, and to organize for the uplifting of the women of South Africa, British India, Java, Sumatra, China, Japan, and the Philippines.

Since 1912, has given all of her time to the woman movement in her own country. Sent out call for International Congress of women in 1915 at The Hague and went afterwards with Miss Jane Addams to different belligerent governments to present the Resolutions of that Congress and to ask the opinion of those Governments about a mediation for peace from the neutral governments. Went for that same purpose to the United States to see President Wilson. [page 5]

HOLLAND ( Continued )


President, Dutch Section of the Women's International League. Financial Secretary. Active worker in social movements for many years. Former president, Hague Committee for Education of Mothers and Girls of the Labour Claws. Hon. Corresponding Secretary, National Council of Women. Helped Dr. Jacobs in organizing Hague Congress in 1915. Organized International Conference for A New Peace in December, 1921, at the Hague.

Attended all Congresses of the Women's International League. Interested in Youth Movement. Member of Committee for the Reconstruction of Europe and for a World League of Cities.



Editor of the Nok Lapja, official organ of Feministák Egyesülete for working women.

One of the most ardent fighters for woman suffrage, and a peace worker since 1914. Lectured all over Hungary. Was the delegate of Feministák Egyesülete at Congresses in London, 1909, in Budapest, 1913, in Geneva, 1920, and consultative member in Dresden at the Executive meeting in 1923.


Leader of the movement for woman suffrage in Hungary. Among the first pioneers of women's work for Peace. Helped in foundation of the Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1904 and in that of the Women's International League in 1915.

Known in Hungary as a famous speaker and writer and organizer.



Writer and journalist at Florence, writing under the pseudonym "Agar." In 1917, she published "The Diary of a Nurse" of pacifistic tendency. Took part in the publication of "Coenobium" edited in Lugano by Bignami and attended a meeting of the League of neutral countries at Lugano in in 1914. Wrote for the review "Giovino Europa" (Young Europe) and a weekly pacifistic article for the magazine "Buon Consigliere" (Good Adviser) edited at Rome. Published a series of pacifistic novels under the heading "Sotto la Tempesta" (During the Storm) recently. She was one of the Italian delegates at the Vienna Congress, 1924.

(Italian delegate instead of Dr. Vassalini, who has fallen ill.)



President of Swedish Section, W.I.L., since 1919. Graduated at the Royal Training College, Stockholm. Teacher for a great many years, now Assistant Headmistress at the State Normal School for Girls. Member Swedish Commission of the World’s Fair, St. Louis, 1904.

Delegate to the International Congress of Women at the Hague, 1915. Lecturer on Educational and Peace Questions. [page 6]

SWEDEN (Continued )


One of the foremost mineralogists of Europe. Delegate at the Women's Peace Congress at The Hague in 1915, Zurich in 1919, and The Hague in 1922.

Editor of the Peace periodical "Nya Vagar"(New Paths). Lecturer.



Secretary, Women's International League at Geneva headquarters. One of the founders and since President of Feministek Egyesulete -- the Hungarian Section of both the W.I.L. and the International Woman Suffrage Alliance.

For twenty-five years a teacher of mathematics and physics in public schools, after having been the first woman student at a Hungarian University.

Lecturer -- as an advocate of women's rights, of peace and modern education -- all over Hungary and represented the Association at several Congresses.

Lectured at the Summer School of Lugano in 1922.


Noted scientist -- chemistry, physics and biology.

State of [Berne] founded a chair for Dr. Woker at the University of [Berne] that she might carry on her experimental work.

Author of many scientific treatises, and of a book "die Katalyse." Lecturer on scientific subjects. Writer for feminist paper on the woman movement.



Vice-President of the Ukrainian Section of the W.I.L. One of its founders. Took active part at the Vienna Congress where she protested against the pogroms in her own country. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of [Petersburg]. She was the only woman who passed into the Consular-Academy of [Kyiv]. Worked in the Ukrainian Foreign Office as chief of one of the political departments. Vice-President of a union of thirty peasant clubs.

Journalist. Member of the Ukrainian Club of Writers and Journalists. Published a volume of Ukrainian Fairy Tales and has been a lecturer in Russian at the High School for Agriculture in Vienna.


President Ukrainian Section, W.I.L. Degree in [L]aw Imperial University of St. Petersburg. Active as a student in student pacifist organizations. One of five first women lawyers who were admitted to the bar in St. Petersburg. Instructor in night schools for working people.

1918 - Secretary in Department Foreign Affairs
1919 - Member Ukrainian delegation to the Peace Conference in France.
1920 - Member of the staff Ukrainian legation at Vienna.

Writer and translator.


Secretary of the East Galician group of the Women's International League.

1908 -- graduated at Przemyśl
1909 -- University at Vienna, then took a course at the Commercial University. Active in [cooperative] organization.
1919-20 -- Press secretary of the Ukrainian diplomatic committee in Copenhagen.
1921 -- Attended Women's International Congress in Vienna, later at the Hague.

Member of the Ukrainian Woman's Party.

(Additional copies on request, 1403 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. W.I.L. Headquarters.)

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