Comments at National American Woman Suffrage Association Victory Convention, February 13, 1920 (excerpt)



Equal Suffrage Means New Era in Legislation, Humanizing of Law.


Chicago, Feb. 13. -- The ills of America and prescribed remedies therefor as seen from the feminist point of view were carried to the floor of the Victory convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association today.

All of the chief "indispositions" of the country, exhaustively delved into by women experts on law, medicine, social hygiene, labor, food, child welfare and many other subjects, were placed before the convention preparatory to further discussions for the purpose of drawing up a broad legislative program for the 20,000,000 or more women who will become voters following ratification of the federal suffrage movement.

Jane Addams' Summary.

Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, summarized the future program of the suffrage workers by the following statement:

"Until now the women of the United States have devoted their time to winning the right to vote. Now that this seems assured, they will decide how they are going to vote and what measures they will vote for. This means a new era in legislation, the humanizing of law, in fact, many new questions will come before the public henceforth."

A big question which came before the convention later and which was taken up by the executive council this morning was whether the association will carry out the legislative program to be formulated or whether the association will be disbanded or merged into the new National League of Women Voters, with possibly a new name chosen for the merged organization.

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