James Bryan Herrick to Jane Addams, October 27, 1919


October 27, 1919.

Miss Jane [Addams],
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss [Addams]:

Thank you very much for telling me about Mrs. Britton. It may be that we shall wish to consider her name in connection with the position, though there is, as I think I told you, a good deal of prejudice, or I would rather call it fear, about placing a woman in that position, and I will say to you frankly that I myself have been a little fearful that there might be a little bit of aggressiveness that would not be well tolerated by some of our equally aggressive physicians. Her name, however, is under consideration and has not by any means been turned down.

I was so sorry about Mr. Hurlburt. I could make out nothing but a generalized organic disease of the cord and brain, and unfortunately the course of these cases is almost uniformly progressive, going from bad to worse. I should feel like giving it the same name that the other doctors did, multiple sclerosis.

In accordance with your request I am enclosing a bill for services, though I should have been very glad to have shared in trying to help any one who is in trouble as he evidently is.

Very sincerely yours,

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