Anne Reed Brenner to Jane Addams, January 12, 1923

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January 12, 1923

Miss Jane Addams,
c/o Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China,
Bombay, Calcutta,

My dear Miss Addams:

I am enclosing a copy of a letter which Bruno Lasker wrote you this week, and with it I want you to know that Paul Kellogg is really making very great gains in his strength. He is down on the Island of St. Helena off South Carolina at Miss Rossa B. Cooley's Penn School which he seems to be enjoying in every possible way. He is planning now to return on the first of February but we are all urging him to stay away until he really is fully restored in health. The regular work of the Survey is going rather well and what we really need of him is his long view and his vision and that he can only give when he is up to par physically.

I am so glad that you are having this beautiful trip into India and I am adding my word of appeal to Mr. Lasker's that you may be able to send us a really spiritual message from Gandhi and India. It is the type of thing that we are most anxious to use the Graphic as a medium for.

Miss Wald has had a very thrilling week -- the opening of the new health center which is truly lovely, and the cooperation of all her friends has made it a very happy time for her.

We have all been sadly moved by the sudden death of Mrs. George D. Pratt, whom you will remember, I am sure. She was a most valuable member of our Board as well as a brilliant, courageous spirit and the world seems to us an older place now that she is gone.

All good wishes to you for a beautiful, restful and inspiring holiday.

Very sincerely yours,