January 5, [1923]
To the Midwestern Settlements:
At a meeting of the Midwest Committee on December 9, 1922, action was taken which concerns every settlement in the Middle West. The resolutions passed are enclosed with this letter and it is hoped that proper publicity may be given them, especially to all residents and to members of Boards of Directors.
The closing of the office was made necessary because no part of the $5500 budget could be assured by the National Federation and only a small part of it had been offered as contributions. The office was maintained for fifteen months on 58% of its minimum budget allowance and this obviously could not be continued.
The Committee has no funds, but the members are volunteering their services in carrying on, as far as possible, the work done heretofore in the office, with the exception of personnel work which can not be attempted without central headquarters. Letters sent to the secretary at the old address will be forwarded and it is hoped that the settlements will feel free to make suggestions and to ask for such service as can be given by members of the Committee.
Candidates for positions have been referred to the American Association of Social Workers so it should be possible to secure good workers [through] that organization. Secretaries of the local federations also frequently know of available people.
The former Midwestern secretary is glad of this opportunity to express her appreciation of the [cooperation] of the settlements during this difficult period of experiment and to regret her inability to serve longer under the existing conditions. She has faith that with so great need as there appears to be for such a central service, the courage and vigor of the Middle West will sometime make possible a resumption of the work.
Secretary of the Midwest Committee