Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, May 22, 1907


May 22, 1907

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Jane Addams--

Here is all there is left of the twenty-five dollars those Iowa farmer folk gave me for my preachment before the Agricultural College. They boast of the best pigs and most expensive horses, cows and sheep in the country, but preachers come low. I hoped it would be twenty-five dollars and expenses but it was twenty-five dollars for expenses.  Perhaps if I could preach as well as you can I would come higher in the market. Anyhow, you might as well spend this ten dollars on the first hobo that comes along, as I probably should if I kept it.

I hear all kind of pleasant things about your service Sunday. You are the only man that I know of that my people are glad to send me away for. Hope to see you next Sunday.

More anon.

Hastily yours,

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