Interview on League of Nations, June 27, 1919



Believes It Is the Best We Can Begin With.


LONDON, June 27 (by mail). --  Miss Jane Addams is held in equal honor at home and abroad, wherever her work is known. Hearing that she was in London for a few days on her way home from the International Congress of Women at Zurich, I sought an interview with her mainly for the purpose of asking one question -- a double one: what did she think now of the League of Nations -- what should America do with regard to it?

"That there should be such a recognition of common responsibility and the duty of common action on the part of the governments," she said thoughtfully, "is in itself a great gain. Such an organization ought to embody the highest form of human justice. If one felt assured of that, it would deserve the strongest support. The mere fact that it could come into existence at all with the reactionary elements in power in most countries, as inevitably happens at the close of war, is a source of encouragement and hope.

"If, on the other hand, it begins its active functioning by enforcing some [page 2] unjust provision, it is doomed to failure -- it is a step in the wrong direction. At best it will start out under a horrible handicap."

I gather that if what we have now is the best we can get to begin with, Miss Addams would accept it and build upon it, if it seems to hold out any hope of arriving at a better order of international relations.

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