Announcement for The Golden Rule Magazine, ca. 1922


What Is The Golden Rule Magazine?


A Champion and Defender of the rights of common humanity to participate happily in the four great fundamental human experiences: Work, Leisure, Faith, Service.

An expositor and advocate of these significant human activities as they may be exemplified through the daily conduct of living men and women. Stated more fully, we have: --

Work. To advocate the right and duty of every worthy person to master some kind of honest work, to find congenial employment, to conduct a successful business and to make all these a generous contribution to the well-being of society.

Leisure. To advocate the right and duty of all grades and ages of the population to engage in such amusements, entertainments and leisure-time occupations as shall prove to be clean, helpful, uplifting and conductive alike to personal and social well-being.

Faith. To advocate the right and duty of every normal human being to seek a conscious relation to Divine supernaturalism, and, at length, to acquire an abiding faith in the Eternal Beneficence of God and the progressive righteousness of man.

Service. To advocate the right and duty of every man and woman to find a way whereby to practice sympathy, altruism and a life-long devotion to some class of human beings; and to manage his business consistently, with the ideal of contributing to the common good.

The instruments to be used by The Golden Rule Magazine in the furtherance of the foregoing balanced program of human well-being will be Applied Psychology, Business Philosophy and Constructive Philanthropy. [page 2]

As Editor

The Publisher of THE GOLDEN RULE MAGAZINE is pleased to make an important announcement indicating another forward step in the progress of this magazine.

In addition to the present editorial management and notable staff of feature contributors, we have been so fortunate as to secure as Editor, Dr. Wm. A. McKeever, whose photo appears on the front cover of this issue, and whose monthly feature articles have been for the past two years such valuable contributions to this magazine of service and inspiration.

Very few men in this country, except certain high government officials, are known so well nationally and among so many different elements of the population, as is Mr. McKeever. As a college faculty man and educational writer and lecturer, he has quickened school life everywhere; as promoter of juvenile work through Sunday schools and churches, he has wielded a very large influence, both upon the pulpit and the religious press; as author of many books and bulletins on child welfare, he has brought the parenthood of every state of the Union to consider favorably his methods of training and guidance; as the writer of more than a thousand syndicate articles, he has won the attention of literally millions of readers.

Finally, as he is a trained psychologist, a far-seeing philosopher and an untiring champion of the idea of the inherent goodness in common humanity, the publisher feels that the coming of Dr. McKeever to the editorship of THE GOLDEN RULE MAGAZINE will help to give it a more conspicuous place among all those in its general class. Perhaps it is sufficient to announce for the present that this magazine will undertake to project itself into a distinctive field of thought and effort, as its name implies and as the new Editor will shortly announce.

GEORGE B. WILLIAMS, Publisher. [page 3]

What Is The Golden Rule Magazine?

What Can It Do For Me?

THE GOLDEN RULE MAGAZINE is a publishing, throbbing, red-blooded messenger of inspiration and education. It is overflowing every month with ideas, suggestions and helpful instruction. To read it is like going to college -- it is the process of learning from others. In knowledge there is power. You must learn more to earn more.

Power of achievement comes to you through The Golden Rule Magazine, because it fills you with inspiration and determination. It gives you greater strength, greater ability and greater interest in life. It helps you up the ladder to success.

You Cannot Afford to Be Without This Valuable Magazine!

To keep the water fresh in a pool, fresh water must be kept running into it -- and so it is with your brain. If you wish to stay full of vigor, to keep your mentality keen and alert, you must keep putting fresh information and knowledge into your mind.

One idea may be worth thousands of dollars to you -- may be your turning point in life -- may mean happiness and success! And this "idea" may be hidden between the pages of any issue of The Golden Rule Magazine -- in fact, there are so many ideas hidden within these pages that one or more of them are bound to mean something big for you. The man who "knows" is the man who really "grows." Ideas are priceless. Ideas make men rich and happy and famous. And The Golden Rule Magazine is just brimming over with ideas.

Instruction in Psychology!

Psychology is nothing more or less than the science of human nature. The man who is most successful in business is the man who understands people. He knows how to treat them to get results. He knows how to influence people to get action or reaction. He knows how to appeal to their emotions -- how to reach their hearts through their minds. And it is vital that all of us should understand all we possibly can about psychology. And it is the mission of The Golden Rule Magazine to teach common sense psychology.

The Cost Is Insignificant!

You would think nothing of paying two dollars for a pair of gloves, a dinner, a theater ticket, or something like that. And towering above all of these in importance, like the great Woolworth building towers above Broadway, is the vitalness of spending money on your brain -- or, rather, putting money into your brain. Can you afford to "be stingy" on so important a matter, when so much is at stake? You can afford to spend money for such purposes. You must afford it, because your whole future depends upon it.

Start today -- let The Golden Rule Magazine get on the job to help you win success in life. Fill out the blank below and make this the "red letter" day of your life.


149 West Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois.

I wish to go forward in life -- not backward. The Golden Rule Magazine must help me. I am sending you herewith $2.00 for one year's subscription, and I expect to get back many dollars' worth of ideas --suggestions -- and inspiration.

Name ______________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City________________ State____________________

(Enclosed $2.00.) [page 4]

Dr. Wm. A. McKeever Again Writes for The Golden Rule Magazine

William A. McKeever's name and writings are known to literally millions of readers throughout the United States, but for those who possibly may not know of him, we submit the following:

Word About Dr. Wm. A. McKeever

Born in a Kansas log cabin, a cattle herder, farmer, country school teacher and college professor, Dr. McKeever early laid the foundation for his work as a writer and lecturer. For twenty years he was a member of the faculties of the Kansas Agricultural College and the University of Kansas, and recently has become Field Director of Juvenile Work for the National Presbyterian Board of Moral Welfare. His home is at Lawrence, Kansas.

Writes for The Golden Rule Magazine

Dr. McKeever is now offering his second series of articles for the magazine, as follows:


I. The Inherent Desire for Human Service.

II. The Rich Treasury of Human Inheritance.

III. The Endless Quest for Practical Wholeness.

IV. The Orderly Unfoldment of the Individual.

V. The Healing Balm for the Troubled Soul.

VI. The Classification of the Social Elements.

VII. The Organization of the Working Committees.

VIII. The Systematic Defense of the Standard Home.

IX. The Enlarged Service of the Common School.

X. The Federated Program of the Living Church.

XI. The Constructive Plan for the Community.

XII. The Psychologic Management of Propaganda.


The McKeever Books:

1. Man and the New Democracy: Explains how to use the inherent qualities of the great common man as the basis for a creative democracy. 250 pp. (Doran.)

2. Training the Boy: A book for all parents and boy workers. 350 pp. 40 illus. (Macmillan.)

3. Training the Girl: A companion to Training the Boy. Decorated cloth. 350 pp. 40 illus. (Macmillan.)

4. Farm Boys and Girls: A book for farm parents, teachers and all rural life workers. 326 pp. 50 illus. (Macmillan.)

5. Outlines of Child Study: A book of 112 programs with topics for the meetings of Parent-Teacher associations, Mothers' clubs, and the like. 180 pp. (Macmillan.)

6. Psychology and Higher Life: A book intended for self-help and self-development. 270 pp. (Flanagan.)

7. Psychologic Method in Teaching: Especially designed for teachers, reading circles, and others interested in the schools. 325 pp. (Flanagan.)

8. The Efficient Sunday School Teacher: Explains the new idea of putting the Sunday School into the life of the child and the community. (Standard Pub. Co.)

9. The Industrial Training of the Boy: Decorated cloth. 12 mo. 75 pp. Illus. (Macmillan.)

10. The Industrial Training of the Girl: Decorated cloth. 12 mo. 85 pp. Illus. (Macmillan.)

11. The Pioneer: A story of the making of Kansas. 100 pp., green and gold silk cloth. Illus. (Crane & Co.)

12. The Symphony Calendar: An attractive wall hanger, 8x8 inches, in three colors. Contains twenty beautiful symphonies. A suitable gift.

13. The House Training Bulletin: 16 pp. each:

(1) The Cigarette Smoking Boy.

(2) Teaching the Boy to Save.

(3) Training the Girl to Help in the Home.

(4) Assisting the Boy in the Choice of a Vocation.

(5) A Better Crop of Boys and Girls.

(6) Teaching the Boy to Work.

(7) Teaching the Girl to Save.

(8) Instructing the Young in Regard to Sex.

(9) The Boy's Vacation Employment.

(10) Teaching the Child to Play.


What Others Say of Him:

"Dr. McKeever has made a large place for himself in American life by his important contributions to Juvenile culture." -- The Bookman.

"He is a platform belligerent. He fights with ideas and quickly leads an entire congregation into his battle with him." -- Professor J. W. Searson, University of Nebraska.

"McKeever is an illustration of the genius in the form of inspired common sense." -- Dr. G. Stanley Hall, Clark University.

"Four afternoons per week, Dr. McKeever has been contributing a brief editorial on juvenile training and vocational problems to a syndicate of Metropolitan dailies, aggregating about 4,000,000 subscribers. Nearly 1,000 of these articles have thus far appeared."

"Some one has called him a fresh breeze from Kansas. When he propounds an idea he talks in plain, forceful English." -- Good Housekeeping.

"Dr. McKeever is one of the greatest exponents of social philosophy of the age. Employing the pen medium, he is a real benefactor, and his writings, after the dust of this century has enveloped his mortal being, will be regarded by a regenerated civilization as classics in the crystallization of advanced thought." -- Augusta (Kans.) Gazette.


Don't Miss These Lessons in Human Service

Your name and address on the margin of this page, accompanied by two dollars, will assure your receiving Dr. McKeever's articles as outlined above. Address The Golden Rule Magazine, 149 West Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois.