Die Friedensschule in Salzburg, ca.July 1921 Also known as: The School of Peace in Salzburg, ca. July 1921


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The School of Peace in Salzburg

The summer school in Salzburg, for which we reported in Nr. 91 on 20th April that it will be held in July, was set up mainly by working English women. They were completely different from the summer courses that have been held so far in some large cities or by the University of Vienna. There were in fact no courses, but rather individual lectures on various topics were held, mainly of an international and pacifist character, but also about music and literature in English, German and French. Every day at 12 o’clock when the lectures ended, one could see a stately crowd, mainly girls and women, going down the stairs of the Mozarteum and could pick up English, German and French words from the conversations. On the “State bridge” one could have imagined standing on the London Bridge because one could hear almost solely English. In the afternoons, trips were undertaken in the delightful surroundings of Salzburg. The Mozart band gave a subtle Mozart concert. But most notable among these musical performances were two concerts given by the Manchester Girls’ Choir. Everything was in a happy mood and although the nationalities usually came together naturally, they got in touch with each other as much as possible. Such meetings are one of the few ways to promote mutual understanding and the great ideal, “not war, but peace” to bring us closer: Miss Jane Addams acted as president. Miss Royd was quartermaster, Miss Swanwick won over the audience all for herself with her welcome speech and reaped success with her final lecture “On Education for Internationalism.” Professor Davies from the University of Bristol spoke about past and contemporary history and about the new methods to teach history, namely that the mutual interest of the people provoked. Mister David spoke about Wales, Shaw Hardy, and about another modern poet Dr. Taylor from the University of London about crowd psychology, Mister Neal, editor of “New Area” talked about the school community.

All in all, one can describe the summer school as a complete success. In the farewell speech, Miss Jane Addams expressed the hope that the desire for a new meeting could be realized next year.

(Reconstruction) [page 2] 

Social issues.

International summer school in Salzburg [illegible word] with an English [model?] is opened by the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom in Salzburg, in the stylish building of the Mozarteum, in the period from 1 to 15 August, courses that deal with the subject of education for internationalism in various forms. The spaciousness of the campaign can be seen on the opening lecture that will be held in Chicago on August 1st. In the first week the topic will be discussed from psychological point of view and it the second from political-historical point of view. The nature of crowd psychology, the importance of the press, the right newspaper reading, the League of Nations institution, the need for democratic control of local politics and many other things, such as lectures about literature and music will be presented to the listeners in a uniform manner. The fees for the lectures as well as for accommodation (hotel room and matratzenlager) and meals in the public dining station) are set very low, especially reduced for students. For the entire course the subscription card is [M 100 or Kö 250?]. For members of countries with stronger currencies, prices may be especially low. All inquiries should be directed to Miss K. E. Royds, 14th Bedford Row, London W.C.I. Since concerts and trips are also planned, this two-week stay in the tourist and artist center of Salzburg should not only offer the profound delight of international reconciliation problems but also the cheerful joy of socializing.