Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, November 9, 1908


November 9, 1908

Miss Jane Addams,
The Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Miss Addams:-

The bearer, Miss Emma [Neukom], is a lady who has had peculiar advantages and special training along lines valuable to settlement work and workers, but she is peculiarly blessed with the gift of tongues, being conversant with I don't know how many European languages, capable of using them colloquially.

It has occurred to me that she ought to be particularly valuable in the "welcome to immigrant" work that, thanks to you, Mrs. [Robins] and a few others, is gaining recognition in Chicago just now. Miss Nukom has been around the Lincoln Centre for some time and has been willing to lend a hand in any way offered, but she is dependent upon her own resources and ought to have a "job" that would yield a living, though her standards in these directions I imagine are very modest and could easily be met. I am sure you will be glad to talk with her; equally sure that if there is anything you can do for her you will; and I am sure once more that you enlist my continued admiration and fellowship in the things you do and the way you do them.

I have already written you once before today and you must watch out lest you may have a third letter. Pardon the intrusion.

Brotherly thine,

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