Martha Carey Thomas to Jane Addams, October 29, 1907


October 29, 1907.

Dear Miss Addams,

We are very grateful to you for giving us one week at a time when we can use it best.  We shall understand this to mean that we may make engagements for you beginning on Monday March 16 and ending Saturday evening March 21.  We shall select only the most important places, and we feel sure that great good will be accomplished for the cause.

Will you kindly telegraph me on the enclosed telegraph blank whether you would be able to speak both on the afternoon and evening of the two days in the week, or whether you prefer to speak only once a day?  Our time schedule will be somewhat affected by this.

I will give you the schedule we had thought of if it can be worked in with the [time] for other [speakers] at the colleges which we wish you to address:

March 16, Monday, 4 P.M. Philadelphia, before Pennsylvania Chapter College Equal Suffrage League.

March 16, Monday, 6 P.M. Bryn Mawr College.

March 17, Tuesday, 8 P.M. Vassar College.

March 18, Wednesday, 8 P.M. Mount Holyoke College.

March 19, Thursday, 8 P.M. Smith College.

March 20, Friday, 4 P.M. Boston, before Massachusetts Chapter College Equal Suffrage League.

March 20, Friday, 8 P.M. Wellesley College.

March 21, Saturday, 4 P.M. or 8 P.M. Radcliffe College.

If this schedule is not too strenuous for you, the only absolutely important addresses omitted are before the New York, Baltimore, and Washington Chapters of the College Equal Suffrage Leagues, and it might be possible to arrange for these at some other time when you are coming East, either before or after March. [page 2]

Miss Garrett and I hope very much that you will stay with us when you come to Philadelphia and Bryn Mawr, arriving, if possible, Saturday or Sunday, so as to rest after your journey and start afresh on Monday.  You can be as quiet as you please.

Very sincerely yours,

Miss Jane Addams.