Jane Addams to Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle, February 26, 1918



ORIGINAL TO ↑M Van Winkle↓

Chicago, Ill., 957 am. Feb. 26, 1918.

Mrs. VanWinkle,
Food Administration,

Accept invitation California Federations Women's Clubs Oakland Thursday evening March 28. Decline district convention California Federation Womens Clubs San Francisco March nineteen because have promised first appearance in San Francisco should be at mass meeting under auspices Food Administration and State Council of Defense on March twenty two or three. Will also decline Philomathean Club of Stockton because have promised to speak to Federation of Womens Club in San Joaquin Valley of which they are probably members. Glad to accept mass meeting at Pasadena under auspices of Womens Legislative Council if it can be arranged for March eighteenth or nineteenth prefer nineteenth. Accept engagement in Sacramento March twenty first under auspices State Council Defense. Cannot take suggested dates for Palo Alto but could consider twenty fifth or sixth. Have already wired acceptance for Hanford March twentieth. Will communicate with State Normal School at San Jose after arrival in California, may be able to work in engagement there. Letter follows.

Jane Addams

207 am. 27.