Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, January 2, 1918


January 2nd, 1918

My dear Mrs. Blaine:

I find it difficult to thank you properly for your very generous [check] which reached me at dinner on the thirty-first.

It enabled us to end our year free of debt which I was most anxious to do, facing as we are a hard winter with high prices in coal and the many needs of the [neighborhood] exaggerated under war conditions. The Italians, as so many other young working-men, marry very early and many of them of draft age have left families behind.

Will you not bring your young people to luncheon at Hull-House next Monday? It is easier to see the new School of Occupations, named after Dr. Favill, the Montessori School and the Fresh Air School and many other things by day than it is in the evening. It would give me so much pleasure if you could take luncheon with us at one o'clock. I am going to take the liberty of calling up your Secretary to remind you of it later.

With every possible good wish for the New Year, I am,

Always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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