Berkeley, March 26, 1918.
My dear Miss [Addams]:
President Wheeler, who is now at Riverside, California, wishes me to say that he is glad to learn through Mrs. Robert Burdette that you will speak at our next University Meeting, which will be held in Harmon Gymnasium on Friday morning, March 29th at eleven o'clock. The University Meetings are our regular fortnightly gatherings which are attended by our students and faculty. They are held from eleven to twelve o'clock on alternate Fridays. There are usually two speakers on the program, and twenty minutes is allotted to each speaker. The guest who is to speak may select any subject which seems appropriate for the occasion.
President and Mrs. Wheeler invite you to take luncheon with them at the President's House immediately after the meeting.
I expect to hear through Miss Stebbins about your plans for Friday morning, and I shall make arrangements whereby you can reach Berkeley in the most convenient manner.
Yours very sincerely,
↑Univ. Meeting↓