Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Rebecca Feek Graves, May 23, 1917


May 23rd, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Graves: --

Miss Addams has asked me to acknowledge your letter of May 17th, which she has read with much interest, and to tell you that we are doing all that we can to bring the international point of view before the women. She does not feel that your plan could be carried out at this time. I am afraid you will be greatly disappointed at getting this word.

I think you may be interested, however, in some of the literature which the Woman's Peace Party is issuing and in the statement of our platform. I am, therefore, sending you, under separate cover, some such material, and also am including the brief report of the International Congress of Women at The Hague, which was held in 1914, showing the international work. At this Congress the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace was organized with branch organizations in twenty different countries. The Woman's Peace Party is the section for the United States of this International Committee. This Committee is planning to hold a Congress of Women After the War at the same time and place as the Official Peace Conference and in preparation for this the thirty-five delegates and alternates selected from the United States are giving special attention to problems which may come up for discussion at that time. I am sure you will be interested in this.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary.

Mrs. William G. Graves,
E. 123 -- 12th Avenue,
Spokane, Washington.