Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, October 24, 1916


October 24, 1916.

Miss Jane Addams
c/o Miss Mary Rozet Smith
12 W. Walton Place
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Miss Sanford is much distressed, and has written us about a number of typographical errors in your article in our October magazine number. We are equally distressed, and want you to know that such of them as were in the galley or stone proof were corrected by our proof [reader] and in correcting these errors, the printer made a batch of fresh ones.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that we are leaving one printing office for another this month; and the old firm is perhaps naturally less painstaking in the final lap of its work; aggravated also by the fact that our regular proof reader, Miss Johnston, resigned in mid-October, and her assistant, Miss Bogualau, is making a valiant effort to qualify, taking night courses in proof reading, composition, etc. I think she is going to succeed; and the fact that our new printers are an experienced magazine house, makes that success more feasible. They begin with the November magazine.


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