Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, September 7, 1912


September 7, 1912

My dear Miss Addams:

Thank you. Then, on October 1 I will look for two articles as you say. If you feel you cannot get the high-price of living question into one article, why not take some natural division & while conceding that there are other phases, take up those elements which come closer to the women in the home. But do as you think best.

I feel exactly as you do, I am sure, about featuring your name, but I know so [page 2] well, dear Miss Addams, how keen is the popular taste for [her] personality, and I feel sure that I can three times as readily catch the eye and win the attention by flying your personal colors at the mast-head. I have tried so many times to listen to any other instinct in such matters, only to regret it afterwards. So, pray indulge me, & I am sure then you will see the page in the magazines alongside the other it won't scream at you as now it seems to do.

Sincerely yours, Edward Bok

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