22 results

  • Subject is exactly "war, descriptions of "

An article compares symbols of the success and failure of modern civilization.

Nunn interviews Barnett on the radio about her plans to build a memorial on Bunker Hill.

Barnett argues against a plan of redeveloping Bunker Hill in England into housing.

Balch sends Addams her take on the Riff War and the role that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom might play in stopping it.

De Rohan reviews Channing Pollock's play The Enemy.

Pollack sends Addams a statement and reviews of The Enemy, his play on peace.

The Association's news bulletin discusses revolution in Mexico, war debts in Germany, the organization of a national student forum, and a treaty between Germany and Poland, resolutions for international peace from the convention of the National League of Women Voters, and limiting the manufacturing of opium.

The authors report on a fact-finding trip organized by the Women's International League to report on condition in Ireland during its war of independence.

Kurkjian provides a history of the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia as a justification for independence.

Luxemburg details her imprisonment for writing anti-war pamphlets, and asks for reading material.

A peace statement, edited for space by John Gavit.

An poem that argues against war and its costs and rallies mothers to rise up and stop it.

Gavit sends Addams a copy of an article he wrote on the controversy over her statements on the use of alcohol by soldiers.

Addams discusses her statement on soldiers using stimulants before engaging in battle and the reaction that followed. Addams likely made the statement a few days before the article was published.

Hyers replies to Ely's letter to Addams asking for more detail about her comments on the use of stimulants in trench warfare.

Palmer's poem questions how the world, that can create such beauty, can also breed such hate and violence.

Selborne discusses the charges of rape made against the German army

Addams discusses her claim that European soldiers are given alcohol and drugs before being asked to charge. The speech was given to the Chautauqua Assembly.

Addams discusses the likelihood that the war will cease without the efforts of neutral nations.

Page sends a translation of a letter to Addams that she thinks will interest Addams.

Palmer's poem questions how the world, that can create such beauty, can also breed such hate and violence. Addams comments appear at the bottom.

Palmer's poem questions how the world, that can create such beauty, can also breed such hate and violence.