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  • Creator is exactly "Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline"

Pethick-Lawrence asks Addams to help Helene Scheu-Riesz get an article on education published in the United States.

The Women's International League sends Addams a receipt for the 200 copies of "Towards Peace and Freedom."

A receipt for Addams' payment for 200 copies of Towards Peace and Freedom.

The Committee seeks opinions on resuming international relations interrupted by World War I.

Also known as Protest Manifesto Against the Treaty of Peace at Versailles, July 5, 1919

The Comité protests the exclusion of Germany from the League of Nations and protests the Versailles Treaty as unfair and seeks to replace it with one designed to keep the peace.

Pethick-Lawrence writes to tell Addams not to worry over the British Committee of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, and discusses feelings against peace activists in England.

Pethick-Lawrence discusses the International Congress of Women to be held in Holland.

Pethick-Lawrence describes a militant peace meeting held in Washignton.