Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, August 3, 1915


August 3, 1915

My dear Miss Wald: --

I am very glad that we caught up with Miss Balch after all, and am very anxious to hear what Lansing said to the proposition.

I will send you our resolutions after the meeting tonight, but don't be disturbed if they differ with yours -- if the idea is the same, it won't much matter. I think it rather better not to have the formalization too identical.

I shall have to insist that my name not be used as one of the negotiators. I am convinced that it would mean absolute ruin to the entire plan.

I hope to arrive in Bar Harbor about the 16th or 17th of August at the latest. Perhaps you could meet me in Boston! I am to meet Miss Balch there. We could have a little meeting there and if our resolutions are formulated by that time we would perhaps not need another meeting in New York. It would be nice to change the place for once and Mr. Kellogg might come up to us. I am so glad that you have decided to come to Bar Harbor.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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