Rockford College Fortieth Anniversary Speech, November 8, 1913 (excerpts)

Miss Jane Addams Urges Colleges to Offer Courses Preparing Girls to Become Good Officeholders.

Training of women in colleges to hold public service positions was advocated yesterday by Miss Jane Addams, in speaking before the Rockford College association, at its fortieth annual meeting, at Hotel La Sale. Miss Addams declared that this is a field which has assumed increased possibilities for employment of women with the coming of equal suffrage in this state.

"When women's colleges first came into the field, about all they could prepare their graduates for was to be missionaries," said Miss Addams. "I attended a class anniversary at Rockford college some years ago and of nine members of that class, six had been missionaries --five of them continually in the field.

"The college is going to be the pioneer in training women for public service. And there is no field where they can better devote their energies than in the public service and bringing about a better and more efficient government and more efficient grade of work."

Among other speakers were President Julia Gulliver of Rockford college, Miss Anna E. Nicholes of the County Civil Service Commission and Miss Anna L. Howe of Japan.

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