Alice Peloubet Norton to Michael D. Collins, May 6, 1915


May 6, 1915.

My dear Mr. Collins: --

Miss Addams is still in Holland, where she has been attending the International Congress of Women at The Hague. Your letter will be referred to her when she returns.

Meanwhile we are most glad to send you some application blanks, and also some copies of our platform and a statement of [principles].

I am enclosing also a leaflet called "[Toward] The Peace That Shall Last," signed by Miss Addams and a number of others who are interested in the cause of peace, and also the platform adopted at the Emergency Peace Federation held in Chicago toward the end of February. I think you will see that many of the matters of which you have written have been discussed in these platforms.

If you have been fortunate enough to see the report of The Hague Congress that has been given fully in the Chicago Herald, as well as many of the other papers, you will see that this Congress of Women also has been offering resolutions on the very point that you propose.

I thank you for your interest in the work. We shall be glad to hear from you again, and to send you any literature that we have at our disposal. We certainly hope that you will bring us in some members, both group and individual.

Yours cordially,

Acting Ex. Secy.

Rev. Michael D. Collins,
The Immaculate Conception Rectory,
Jackson, Missouri.

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