Mabel L. Hyers to Edith A. Carlson, May 6, 1915


May 6, 1915

My dear Miss Carlson:

In Miss Addams absence your letter has been referred to the headquarters of the Woman's Peace Party for reply. I congratulate you on your theme for your salutatory address and am sending you such literature as I think will be of immediate help to you in gathering material for it.

I am not sure that there is any book that treats your subject directly but you will [see] through all this literature the sane and emphatic protest of the women of all nations against further bearing the burden of the madness of war. I would suggest that you read a good deal along the lines of the peace movement as you will find in it this same vital protest. They very best background you [can] get would be from the newspaper reports of the International Congress of Women which was held at The Hague April 28 to 30th. If the Superior papers have not had full accounts of this congress it would pay you above everything else to write to the Chicago Herald and secure copies of their paper from about the 10th of April to the present date as in almost every edition there has been mention of this congress which I believe to be the greatest movement ever made by women protesting against war. The accounts by Miss Addams [page 2] herself published in the Herald of last week and the week before will give you more first hand, up-to-date material than you will find in any other peace literature.

I am sending you under separate cover some pamphlets concerning the Woman's Peace Party which I am sure will interest you. I should be glad to know how you get on from time to time and if there is any way in which I can help you further I shall be very glad to hear from you again.

Sincerely yours,

Assistant to Secretary

Miss. Edith A. Carlson,
400 W. 11th Street,
Superior, N.E.

P. S. -- We do not know the poem "The Cross" but are sending you list of stories and poems which may be able to help you.

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