Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, August 9, 1915


<-- Trustees -->

August 9, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams: --

By the enclosed treasurer's statement for July, you will see that our balance in cash and in bank leaves us nearly $500 in hand over and above bills due. This is a good showing at the end of such a hard winter and spring as we have had in which to raise money. Most of our smaller contributions have been paid promptly and in full, but some of the contributions between $100 and $500 have been both reduced and delayed.

The income for the next two months will be very much less than the cost of maintenance, as is always the case in August and September. I will have to carry the work personally until the first of October, when subscriptions will fall due again.

The summer work has had some new features of interest, in addition to the usual outing work, which has been carried out successfully thus far despite the excessive rains. Camp Commons has never been better managed. While many day picnics have provided outings for many small groups and some as large as from 150 to over 300, not so many offers have been made to entertain children and mothers a week or more in the country.

Two special features are unique in our experience. The work among the Greeks, to which I alluded in my letter last month as being done by the Iowa University student resident, who speaks the language, is succeeding well, as may be indicated by the enclosed announcement giving wider publicity to the movement. I am trying to arrange for its continuance after Mr. Williamson returns to Iowa.

The other feature is the share we took at the Eastland's dock in serving refreshments to the divers, police, firemen and others exhausted by their efforts to recover the bodies of the dead. Our residents were on duty through the day and night. None of the victims lived in our neighborhood. I spent much time in getting accurate information concerning the complicated situation for editorials in the Chicago Daily News and The Survey magazine.

We are now working on a schedule tabulating information about unemployment last winter, and I have made prolonged efforts with the governor to secure the reorganization of the free employment offices and the appointment of efficient men to supervise and manage them.

Truly yours

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