Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, March 18, 1915


March 18. 1915

My dear Miss Addams:

When you reach the point of considering writing the editorial on "The Unmarried Woman," will you, at the same time, consider writing one on "The Idleness of the Suburban Woman"? That is an exceedingly interesting point you made in our talk: it is too good to put into the middle of an article since we can do more good in stimulating the suburban woman if we give the idea greater prominence. I know exactly what you mean, and should like it very much if you will work it out in a thousand words: why it is so in contrast to the woman on the farm and the city woman, and how the suburban woman can remedy her own condition. That will stir into action another class of women in my campaign to get womanhood active.

I am working on the interview and will [page 2] shortly send it to you in manuscript to go over.

With every sincere regard, believe me,
Very cordially yours

Edward Bok

Miss Jane Addams

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